Tom The "TDT GOAT" | Lost 63lbs in 8-Weeks

Tom The "TDT GOAT" | Lost 63lbs in 8-Weeks


“I thought I was fat and happy, but I wasn’t. I was miserable.”

As a loving Dad, worried about dying young due to obesity-related diseases, Tom knew he had to make some big changes.

8-Weeks Later, Tom was 63lbs lighter...

-Man Boobs Gone
-Morning Wood Back
-Lost 10” of Gut Fat Circumference
-Lost 4.5” off waist
-No More Sleep Apnea
-No More Knee Pain

That was in 2021.

Not only has Tom kept all of the weight off but he has added muscle and has abs today. 

Just like you, Tom was in a bad way when he first joined us. 

[Note: The Video Says 60LBS because we shot this 4 days before he graduated with a total of 63lbs lost]

The true mark of a man is revealed in defeat, not in victory. 

Back in 2021, Tom Lauchenauer shocked the GUTLESS community by losing 63lbs in 8-Weeks.

In doing so, Tom won the "Most Valuable Gangster" award and became our new GUTLESS GOAT (Greatest of All Time). 

But... his response to Marco Castro gunning for Tom's newly won GUTLESS GOAT BELT was even more shocking. 

Instead of grimacing every time Marco's posted another 8-Pounds-Lost-Week...

Tom took Marco under his wing and mentored him into the Greatest Of All Time status. 

Over the last few years, Tom has mentored dozens of new GUTLESS members as a player coach and active member of our brotherhood. 

Not only has Tom kept all of his weight off, he has packed on muscle and went from a beer-keg-of-a-belly, to having abs!

From having a back and knee surgery scheduled from carrying around 275lbs of unwanted weight, to going on 100-mile bike rides and 10-mile per day hiking trips with his son. 

We call him "TDT" because we named one of our challenges after him... Tour De Tom.

We also call him the "Lauchness Monster" and the "Tominator" because the guy has won so many GUTLESS Challenges.

Checkout Tom's before and after bullet points (below Tom's video).

Welcome to the GUTLESS Hall of Fame Tom Lauchenauer!

You are a man of great character, perseverance, mental fortitude, honor, and service to your fellow GUTLESS GANGSTERS 🖐👊

Notes From Tom's Interview:


Dig back into who you were when you started, who was that guy and how was he feeling?

  • I was at the bottom of the barrel.
  • I had become someone that I did not like, which carried over to all aspects of my life. Family, friends and work.
  • I had a cancer scare with months tests, scans and biopsies.

-What were your biggest issues prior to GUTLESS?

  • No drive, motivation, or happiness
  • Embarrassed to look at the fat gut in the mirror.
  • Severe sleep apnea, major knee, neck, and back issues.
  • Was not being the role model for my family that I needed to be.
  • Priorities were completely out of whack.
  • Whole body inflammation

-Why had you fallen into the rut?

  • Work had taken over my life.
  • I was managing the largest commercial electrical project in SF history.
  • I was always in pain which led to daily drinking, which let to bad eating habits. Snowball effect

-What was at risk if you didn't make the change?

  • MY LIFE!
  • Knee replacement surgery
  • Overall quality of life

-What happened when you joined GUTLESS? 

  • I found that competitive spirit again and realized that I could get back to doing things that I never thought I would do again.
  • I had the drive to win, personally and professionally.
  • I was able to step out of my comfort zone with a group of great men looking improve ourselves.

-What GUTLESS awards did you win?

  • Every POD competition
  • Most Valuable Gangster (check me on this one?)
  • Became the new Goat, for a short time, by surpassing Danny Martoe and losing 63+lbs in 8-weeks.
  • I got the Tour De Tom named in my honor

-What did you see inside your GUTLESS cohort? 

  • A brotherhood full of competition with the goal of becoming better men, husbands, partners and fathers.
  • A support group like no other.
  • Competition and accountability, with some fun shit talking for motivation.
  • Friends that I will have for the rest of my life.
  • Gutless brothers bringing each other back if someone drifted or went quiet.
  • We held each other to our Oaths.

-Why did GUTLESS work better than other programs? 

  • It makes you face your problems or demons head-on.
  • Having the Pathway call and sharing personal information.
  • Writing down your Oath and sharing it on a Live Post, once you put it out there that is your word and we are only as good as our word.
  • We are group of men from all different backgrounds working towards that same goal.

-What were the mindset shifts that happened in GUTLESS? 

  • Unstoppable!
  • Never going back to the fat guy and staying on the skinny side of the closet.
  • Doing things that I never thought I would be able to do.
    • 4200 miles on the bike last year.
    • 10-days with my son hiking, hunting and fly-fishing in the Frank Church Wilderness.
    • Finished one of the six hardest bike rides in America.

-How has GUTLESS served your health, family, role modeling, work, lifelong term? 

  • I am happy with who I have become and that has spread through the family.
  • I would always put the blame somewhere else, when it belonged to the man in the mirror.
    • My marriage is stronger now than it ever has been.
    • My metabolic age went from 49 to 43
    • Body fat down to 12%.
    • I have more confidence now than ever, which has flowed to my two grown children in their careers.
    • I have found the life work balance and stand for what I believe in.
    • My primary care doctor is absolutely amazed with the transformation and how drastically my blood work, inflammation levels, strength and testosterone levels have improved.
    • It gave me the confidence to make professional changes, instead of just falling in-line.

    -Why is GUTLESS something that men in the shoes you were wearing at 275lbs should do now?

    • Reach out to Prez now! Proof is in the program.
    • Its give you the mental reset to take your life back over and make the best decisions for your health.
    • I truly believe it has added quality and years to my life.
    • This is not a diet, but a healthy way of life that is easy to maintain if you pull the right levers.

    Respect brother.

    Keep it GUTLESS. 

    Five Fingers Make A Fist 🖐👊

    Ready to Go GUTLESS?

    Get your T-Score in less than 3-Minutes for free by clicking here.  

    If you want to apply for our next 8-Week GUTLESS Challenge click here

    Coach Bryce


    Bryce Anderson

    President and Founder | GUTLESS®


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