How much weight will you lose and how fast?
In Week 1, many of our clients lose 6-10lbs or more.
After that, you will continue to shed 3-5lbs/week. That is more than you will lose on Keto (2lbs/week) but you can eat carbs, and you can still eat out. GUTLESS is a healthy well-rounded diet and thereby, GUTLESS has a much higher long-term success rate than KETO.
How much belly fat will I lose? Up to 10” in 8-Weeks.
Will my man boobs go away? Yes. Man boobs are caused by Low Testosterone and High Estrogen. Losing weight and doing bench press will not fix your man boobs. GUTLESS will.
Will my sex drive come back? Yes. Many of our men get their morning wood back for the first time in years in weeks 5-6.
Do I have to count calories? No.
Can I eat carbs? Yes. With every meal and we insist that you do.
Is it low fat? No.
Are there cheat meals? Yes.
Can I eat steak, bacon, full eggs and fatty meats? Yes.
Do I have to workout every day? No.
Will I have to buy a new wardrobe? Yes. Most of our 8-Week clients drop 2 shirt sizes and 6-8” off of their waistline.
Should I bring my husband / wife to my application call? No. This time is for you and for you only. We need to be open and honest about how you are feeling about your body, mind, sex life, and level of happiness right now. You cannot move into action until you move out of denial. To have an effective coaching call, only you can be in the room. This is your time brother.
Would my husband / wife / friends be effective at holding me accountable to stop drinking? No. In our experience of coaching thousands of clients since 2015 and listening to stories from folks who didn’t enroll who later told us they had tried accountability from their friends and family….husbands, wives and friends are 100% absolutely the WORST people to hold you accountable. Why? Because they give you permission to cut corners. This is surely one of the most ineffective methods to attempt getting power over your food addictions and bad habits.
I’ve only just learned about your organization in the past 48 hours. How long should I take to decide whether to proceed or not?
Our Enrollment Director will answer all your questions on your application call. So please be prepared to ask them. Different results require different actions. You’ve been thinking about getting your weight, health and life back under control for a while now.
And little or nothing has changed. You’re still here, reading this. Deep down you may know the time for thinking is over. The time for taking action is now. If you are worried I may quit during the program and this whole thing will be a waste of money and feel like a failure.
Many men who work with us tells us they feel nervous that even with world class coaching, daily and weekly tracking, leaderboards, competitions, cutting edge weight loss science and overwhelming community support and accountability and they STILL might fail...Wow!
That must means that you really need ever layer of our 10X Accountability system and to join a program with a 93% success rate like GUTLESS. We get it. You’re worried you won’t be able to do this because all of your efforts previously haven’t worked. That’s likely because your previous efforts have included willpower and motivation or doing it on your own.
The method we’ve created - backed in the latest behavioral science, hormonal science, nutritional science and weight loss science and again, a 93% success rate of helping our clients achieve at least 60% of their 28-Day or 8-Week weight loss goal. Many of our guys hit 100% of their goal, some have lost up to 63lbs in 8-Weeks and a VERY small percentage of men will EVER go back to their starting weight.
Do I have to do this forever to keep the results? No.
As your estrogenic gut fat goes down, your testosterone goes up, and your have established new habits… your metabolism will have increased. This means, the more time you have in GUTLESS, the more foods and cheats you can eat without putting the weight back on.
The bottom line is you will have ultimate power your health, eating, and habits by the time you graduate. You will be free to act powerfully. We’re going to take great care of you.
We’re going to demonstrate how you can live a balanced life with the ability to enjoy your favorite foods and still stay GUTLESS.
And we’re going to show you how easy it can be.
What’s the average age of the other clients / participants? The average age of our client is 46 (as of March, 2023). We support mostly men in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. If you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s, you’re a fit.
Should try to do this on my own with will-power again?
Studies show that with willpower alone - 4% succeed and 96% fail. These are actual statistics from countless studies of willpower as a method for quitting drinking. You may enthusiastically convince yourself you’ll be part of the 4% of people who succeed in changing your relationship to alcohol.
But repeated studies demonstrate you almost certainly won’t. (Our method has a 93% success rate and more than 60% keep all of the weight off for years after graduating GUTLESS).
Repeated studies going-it-alone is ineffective for 94% of people. (Our method is effective for 93% of people).
Why would I do this if I am fat and happy?
You can be fat and happy. You cannot be fat and healthy. If you don't really care that you're obese, at a high risk for dying young and living a mediocre life, please cancel your call. We are not for you. If that were true, you probably wouldn’t be reading this.
But I know enough about health and fitness, do I really need this?
You’ve tried your way. You’re here. Your knowledge wasn't, and isn't going to save you. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” - Einstein. Michael Jordan had a coach. Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Celine Dion, Bradley Cooper, olympians, pro athletes, movie stars, entrepreneurs - all have coaches. Serious about results? Get a coach.
Is everything private and confidential? Who will know I’m in this?
Nobody will ever know you are a client unless you tell them. Sometimes clients agree to let us interview them or appear in marketing. If you don’t want this, we don’t do it. Simple. Your name, your face, your details are all 100% private and confidential.
Will I fit in?
Our BB28 coaches are friendly. Our clients are fun, supportive, welcoming, educated, smart and successful. If we suspect you’re not like that, we won’t invite you to get our support and will refer you elsewhere. If we feel you could be a good cultural fit, we will invite you to join us.
Will I do better with 1-1 coaching?
“Real transformation occurs amongst other people.” Charles Duhigg. Countless studies show change occurs amongst a group of people with a shared mission. Having coached men for over 10 years, I can tell you with 100% certainty that group coaching is more powerful, effective and successful than 1:1 coaching. When you have men who signed up the same day you did, dropping 5lbs/week, you cannot tell me, and most importantly, you cannot tell yourself that this doesn't work. Nothing has is more powerful for creating transformation than group support and accountability with a coach.
I don’t think I’m ready for such a big commitment When have you ever felt ready for this?
You’ll likely never feel ready and therefore always feel stuck. If you want a different result you must take a different action. No action = same results. Action = different results.
How much does it cost?
We have different programs for different based on your needs and how many pounds you need to lose to go GUTLESS and achieve a fit father figure (starting at $100).
What does it entail?
Our core focus is to fix your Big 3 Low T problems. If your T is low it is really hard to lose weight. And, even if you do, you’ll still have unwanted gut fat, embarrassing man boobs, and a low sex drive. We fix can fix the B3LT in 8-Weeks. 93% success rate. Want to jump on a call so I can show you how?
What do other programs, drugs and methods that can compete GUTLESS results and success rates cost?
Ozempic: $12K/year and if you can’t afford it anymore you will put all the weight back on. Side effect include: thyroid tumors, including cancer, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), and kidney problems (kidney failure)
Testosterone Replacement Therapy: $3600/year and once you start you cannot stop due to exogenous testosterone shutting down your ability to produce testosterone natural. Side effects include: Increased risk for strokes, heart attacks, and cancer.
GUTLESS® cures up to 90% of Low T Symptoms naturally without needles or side effects.
What if I invest in myself and I STILL don't get results?
That story may be playing in your head. It’s ok. We will take good care of you. We have an entire tested and refined system setup to support you. We also guarantee your results.
Is there a guarantee? Yes. If you attend all of your coaching calls, and score a “B” on your GUTCHECK every week but don’t lose 60% of your weight loss goal, we will refund 100% of your investment and work with you until you hit your goal (free of charge).